Food, Photography and Lifestyle Blog

Posts tagged “F2.8

My little Boy’s 1st Time Ice Skating

So Dad here you go got a brand spanking new 70-200 mm f 2.8 Canon Lens, and one of your dearest goes on an epic first skate…….yeah yeah the pressure builds… am i going to keep this heavy beast still while hand golding it, how do i get a fast enough shutter-speed to avoid blur while we are indoor and flash is no use because of distance…..

so the answer is trial and error…get to know your equipment… all takes time and understanding. Oh yeah and start to time your breathing…..breath in……hold it….now dont move……”click” ok and your allowed to gasp for air again! a bit like that!

at first it didnt go too well, but in the end and often a 1000 Iso all went down ok’ish. Appologies there are some other test shots mixed up i did in the afternoon……sweet stuff this lens and mind you it was heavily overcast today!


So I set off today continuing my blue background thingy, not that I only have a blue gel, but just it matched the prawns better then the orange or green I have. Anyhow the goal was get a nice picture of my prawn with an icy cold background, to emphasize on how fresh it was 🙂

Raw Prawn

Raw Prawn

I pointed 1 blue gelled strobe at the wall, and presented my subjects raised on a small table, hiding the flash behind it. I then added a small softbox left, and above, trying to shine light both from the back as well as some fill from the front, I then added a silver or gold reflector on the right to provide more fill.


I am sorry because as usual I was to pre-occupied to think of taking a set up shot, but the above should explain enough.

I shot most of these with my 100 mm F2.8 Canon lens, no CPL hense some flare can be seen.
And I used 2 Canon 430 EXii flashes, the one on the background I think was set at 1/4 power and the one from the left and above at 1/2, the gel used was normal gel from a stationary shop, no color balanced stuff or so. The camera used was a Canon 50D. Settings were roughly F13, 1/160th shutter at Iso 200.

I am quite pleased with the look of them, but please give me some comments and feedback as to what you dont like about these images.



Another Raw One

Another Raw One

Hey at least this one we can eat!

Hey at least this one we can eat!


And these dipped in Soy Sauce with some Chili are just delish!

And these dipped in Soy Sauce with some Chili are just delish!

OK this one is definitely not a Prawn, but he is the Star of every day to me!

OK this one is definitely not a Prawn, but he is the Star of every day to me!